londondan: Getting set up
londondan: diversity!
londondan: CSD Stuttgart 2006
londondan: Looking up Hohenstaufenstr from Marienplatz
londondan: Shiny pink car
londondan: Polizei leading the way
londondan: Follow me
londondan: "I just love these gummibaerchen!"
londondan: The man with the golden face
londondan: Pink and white clown
londondan: Golden clown
londondan: Kisses and bubbles for the crowd
londondan: Bist du auch normal?
londondan: Alice in wonderland
londondan: Themed for the occasion
londondan: Deep in discussion
londondan: The cheerleaders
londondan: Ginger beard
londondan: Bist du auch normal?
londondan: I hear she's famous
londondan: Grinning over the shoulder
londondan: Head dress
londondan: Dancing past Marienplatz
londondan: Fancy feathers
londondan: Drummers