onetwothree: why are we up?
onetwothree: this sums us up
onetwothree: amsterdam morning
onetwothree: flowers abound
onetwothree: my kind of store
onetwothree: at inwear
onetwothree: adjust
onetwothree: meat from a vending machine, you know
onetwothree: abraxas
onetwothree: love dutch
onetwothree: psh, big foot
onetwothree: canaly
onetwothree: notice how the buildings pitch forward
onetwothree: alix and the stoned cat
onetwothree: canal cafe
onetwothree: stop ye bikers
onetwothree: jojo arrives!
onetwothree: fajita time!
onetwothree: photographing the photographer
onetwothree: teevee
onetwothree: bubblessss
onetwothree: crazay
onetwothree: out for some coffee