Lolufu: Trier, world heritage listed cathedral in the city center
Lolufu: Trier, typical German Spaetzle dinner
Lolufu: Trier, the good old Fireblade in the eifel
Lolufu: Trier, German traditional wooden building style
Lolufu: Trier, the bikes safe in our hotels parking
Lolufu: Trier, ready to leave for another ride out
Lolufu: Trier, myself and Sven enjoying a beer in the pub
Lolufu: Trier, porta nigra with a bearded man
Lolufu: Trier, packing up the raingear again
Lolufu: Trier, our bikes waiting to head on out again
Lolufu: Trier, late night walk home after a good night out
Lolufu: Trier, during a stroll around town
Lolufu: Trier, coffee break during our biker weekend
Lolufu: Trier, cloudy day, but nice ride out
Lolufu: Trier, city center on a grim day
Lolufu: Trier, casino building
Lolufu: Trier, artists impression