Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, wine fields in the Zagorje area
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, wine cellar
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, wainting for the lunch feast
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, those who reached the top
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, viewpoint in the mountain top
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, view on the fields
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, view on the famous church
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, the home of our enduro trip
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, sunny conditions in Zagorje
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, seen from a mountain top
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, Sammy with his puppy
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, Sammy battling with the mountain
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, rolling hills all over the place
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, resting after a tough night......
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, pulling Trevor out a ditch
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, plenty of alchohol around
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, pig for dinner
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, part of the team at the viewpoint
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, only the stong make it to the top
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, one of the churches
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, on route in the mountains
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, myself with Herby
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, my Husaberg for the trip
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, meaty lunch in Zagorje area
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, lunch liquids
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, lunch being prepared
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, KTM resting on a wineyard
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, Juma in the mountains
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, fighting to get up the hill
Lolufu: Marija Bistrica, enjoying the spring sunshine