Lolufu: Bern, wallpainting on one of the old houses
Lolufu: Bern, the theater
Lolufu: Bern, the baerenplatz
Lolufu: Bern, Swiss nationalbank building
Lolufu: Bern, sho with a nice facade
Lolufu: Bern, quiet city center
Lolufu: Bern, overview of the city
Lolufu: Bern, one of the squares with of course another bank
Lolufu: Bern, looking out over the alps
Lolufu: Bern, interesting green colour of this building
Lolufu: Bern, icecold water crossing the town
Lolufu: Bern, house of parliament
Lolufu: Bern, garden behind the casino building
Lolufu: Bern, freezing water flowing through the city
Lolufu: Bern, famous clocktower in the citycenter
Lolufu: Bern, don't want to know what happens at high water
Lolufu: Bern, details on the cathedrals entrance
Lolufu: Bern, details on a traditional building
Lolufu: Bern, cleaning as on rails
Lolufu: Bern, city center building
Lolufu: Bern, cathedral in the city center
Lolufu: Bern, casino building in the city center
Lolufu: Bern, cafe Federal
Lolufu: Bern, beautifull central courtyard