Lolufu: Fatima, moeda caves found in 1971
Lolufu: Fatima, big religious business in the town now with all the pilgrims
Lolufu: Fatima, truly amazing structures
Lolufu: Fatima, underground river
Lolufu: Fatima, pilgrim crawling around on her knees
Lolufu: Fatima, amazing cave structure
Lolufu: Fatima, the original entrance was 37m deep
Lolufu: Fatima, a pilgrim walking around on her knees, praying
Lolufu: Fatima, while chasing a fox, 2 hunters found the caves in 1971
Lolufu: Fatima, the town boomed since 1917 due to some religious event
Lolufu: Fatima, stunning natuaral structures
Lolufu: Fatima, interior of the main church
Lolufu: Fatima, the caves reach 45m deep
Lolufu: Fatima, spactacular underground structures
Lolufu: Fatima, huge square to house all the pilgrims
Lolufu: Fatima, water and minerals keep on building the structures
Lolufu: Fatima, main church of worship
Lolufu: Fatima, I am always intrigued by caves
Lolufu: Fatima, even a designed could not invent these shapes
Lolufu: Fatima, the main church of the pilgrimage town
Lolufu: Fatima, some stalagtites are 200.000 years old
Lolufu: Fatima, a new structure is being formed all day long