Lolufu: RBKO 2008, great event on a chilly winters day
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Potisek the 2008 winner
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, speeds up to 170km per hour on the beach
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Timotei Potisek the 2008 Knock Out winner
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, de Reuver and Eric Eggens
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, differences in speed made overtaking risky
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, mayhem in the deep Dutch beach sand
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Marc de Reuver one of our recent Dutch MXGP racers
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, crashing is part of the learning curve.....
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Knight would be unlucky and only finish 13th in the 1st heat
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, 20th place for old world champion Joel Smets on the BMW
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Rintje Ritsma the icescater would finish dead last
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, David Knight
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Peter Bergsma catching up after a bad start
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, 3rd place finished Eric Eggens
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, Heikki van der Berg in front of the winner Timotei Potisek
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, 650 riders fighting for survival
Lolufu: RBKO 2008, the start of mayhem on the 1st jump