Lolufu: My latest purchase
Lolufu: Getting ready for some more practice
Lolufu: Awesome wheely
Lolufu: Another obstacle trying to block my path
Lolufu: France is the decor for this picture of Dougie Lampkin
Lolufu: Surprisingly tough to kick it through it's compression
Lolufu: Takahisa Fujinami climbing a huge wall in the USA
Lolufu: Sinking in the suspension before take off
Lolufu: Wheelieing towards the tire
Lolufu: Two Honda's on their way to Germany
Lolufu: Discussions in between the practice
Lolufu: Takahisa Fujinami 4 irtaly
Lolufu: Stretching out over the tree
Lolufu: Cool top view of my lightweight Montesa
Lolufu: Dougie Lampkin crossing a river in Italy
Lolufu: My bike is a Dougie Lampkin replica
Lolufu: On my way to clear the tree
Lolufu: Balancing towards the next obstacle
Lolufu: 2003 World trail championship, Montesa cota 315r first, second and third
Lolufu: Climbing onto the tree
Lolufu: The 2004 Montesa ridden by Dougie Lampkin
Lolufu: Helping the Montesa over a tire
Lolufu: My Montesa cota 315r
Lolufu: Raising the front to clear the tree
Lolufu: Iridium coloured front suspension on my Montesa
Lolufu: Marc Freixa making a huge leap in Italy
Lolufu: Little hup over a tree
Lolufu: The 12 time world champion on my model Montesa
Lolufu: Manouvring through the obstacles
Lolufu: Jumping over the tree