Lolufu: Msambweni, at night sawa sawa beach house was even nicer than during the day
Lolufu: Msambweni, typical African cloth covering this lady
Lolufu: Msambweni, African dishes night on the beach
Lolufu: Msambweni, patio, fountain, veranda, swimming pool, banda, Indian ocean
Lolufu: Msambweni, 3 girls relaxing at the beach
Lolufu: Msambweni, lectures on the school courtyard
Lolufu: Msambweni, tiger crab during some snorkeling
Lolufu: Msambweni, tranquile blue water and white sand
Lolufu: Msambweni, warm welcome at sawa sawa beach house
Lolufu: Msambweni, 'the hottub', beloved by the local kids
Lolufu: Msambweni, beautifull dhow type catamaran
Lolufu: Msambweni, kids playing at the beach
Lolufu: Msambweni, our excellent chef checking out the BBQ at the African dishes night
Lolufu: Msambweni, dhow with fisherman in front of the beach house
Lolufu: Msambweni, boat resting at the shore
Lolufu: Msambweni, short foto opportunity just before sunset
Lolufu: Msambweni, view over the grasslands
Lolufu: Msambweni, heading out on our 6 day adventure
Lolufu: Msambweni, baobab tree in the lush green
Lolufu: Msambweni, Nico his son Emiel and myself
Lolufu: Msambweni, mangotree boats resting at the coastline
Lolufu: Msambweni, family looking for driftwood
Lolufu: Msambweni, Emiel, Johan and Nico on the beach
Lolufu: Msambweni, every afternoon the cows come back from their days work
Lolufu: Msambweni, house made from sticks and clay
Lolufu: Msambweni, dicipline and hard work for success
Lolufu: Msambweni, local fisherman in his mangowood boat
Lolufu: Msambweni, locals enjoying the beach
Lolufu: Msambweni, secondary schools slogans
Lolufu: Msambweni, classroom of the primary school