Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, on the enduro track
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, blasting away
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, unleashing 59 horsepower
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, on the mountain
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, bike after a day of fun
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, powering through the ruds
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, alone on the track
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, surviving the mud bath
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, passing under the bridge
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, firing up the Honda CR250R
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, myself as flag marshall
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, landing a jump safely
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, jumping
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, having fun on the bike
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, being chased
Lolufu: MSC Bauschheim enduro meeting 2011, braking for the corner