Lolufu: Tsumago, a pitoresque village at sunset
Lolufu: Tsumago, it breaths tradition with the paper lanterns
Lolufu: Magome, steep pathway going past the old houses
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, red leafs everywhere
Lolufu: Tsumago, classical Japanese street on a peacefully quiet day
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, pristine gorge
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, yellow and red colors everywhere
Lolufu: Tsumago, Sebastien, Yohei and myself
Lolufu: Magome, trout in the crystal clear waters
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, cool bridge in between the autums colors
Lolufu: Magome, nicely tuned Yamaha RD
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, sunshine makes the yellow leafs shine
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, beautifull rock formations
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, clearly the female waterfall........
Lolufu: Magome, an hour later it would be full of tourists
Lolufu: Magome, Yohei and Sebastien decending the pathway
Lolufu: Magome, water wheel
Lolufu: Magome, what a beautifull village
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, is that dark red or what
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, beautifull autumn colors
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, colored leafs watching
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, sunlight breaking though the leafs
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, intense red colors
Lolufu: Magome, one of my favourite Japanese towns
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, misty autumn morning
Lolufu: Tsumago, little red peppers drying in the autumn sun
Lolufu: Tsumago, a traditional house with typical Japanese trees
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, redleafmonster
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, nice red lanterns
Lolufu: Magome and Tsumago, nice contrast between the dark red and white