Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, completely rebuild every 20 years
Lolufu: Ise, Futami rocks, it was to cold to stay much longer
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, beautifull nature
Lolufu: Ise, Futami rocks, a tranquile picture
Lolufu: Ise, waiting to be eaten
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, typical Japanese trees
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, Xavier, Stephane, myself and Yohei
Lolufu: Ise, tales of the fishtails
Lolufu: Ise, Futami rocks, at 6 in the morning
Lolufu: Ise, fishsnacks smoking in their boxes
Lolufu: Ise, a freezing morning but no sunrise
Lolufu: Ise, perfect ryokan food, as always
Lolufu: Ise, myself investigating the raw lobster
Lolufu: Ise, a typical ryokan dinner
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, myself, Yohei, Xavier and Stephane at the entrance
Lolufu: Ise, myself in a yukata
Lolufu: Ise, Xavier in coma again after an onsen
Lolufu: Ise, fish drying in the crates
Lolufu: Ise, Futami rocks, myself, Stephane, the rocks and Xavier
Lolufu: Ise, Yohei, Stephane, Xavier and myself enjoying the dinner
Lolufu: Ise, the cats bring prosperety in business
Lolufu: Ise, Stephane finds out that onsens are good to fall asleep
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, sunrays chasing the shadows
Lolufu: Ise, Futami rocks
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, traditional teahouse
Lolufu: Ise, Xavier sleeping in the car
Lolufu: Ise, smoking snacks
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, a bird fishing in the tranquile river
Lolufu: Ise, busy but nice traditional shopping street
Lolufu: Ise, Ise-Jingu, sunrays penetrating the tree