Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, densely populated croco-tank
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, stelt building full of hamocks
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, cooling his body by opening his mouth
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, local restaurant visiting all boathouses
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, house of palmleafs and bamboo
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, floating supermarket
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, impressive how fast these kids are like this
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, potential handbags
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, our water taxi
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, kids playing in their washtubs
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, floating market
Lolufu: Chong Kneas floating village, no speedlimits here