Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, row of statues
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, one massive pillar can not prepares us for the rest
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, impressive wall of coloured hyroglyphs
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, impressive wall of hyroglyphs
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak, Egyptian tourist taxi traffic jam
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak, street trade outside the mosk
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, well preserved coloured paintings
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, tiny persons, massive pillars
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, the key of life
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, Siptah tomb 3
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, village view 3
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, Deir Al-Bahri close up
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, Deir Al-Bahri statue
Lolufu: Luxor temple, small set of big pillars by night
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, village view 1
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, Siptah tomb hyroglyphs
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, Siptah tomb roof painting
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Queens, road towards the tombs
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Queens, Khaemwaset tomb 3
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, rugged landscape
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, hightech tourist shops at the entrance
Lolufu: Luxor temple, statues and pillars by night
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings view with pathway to Tuthmosis IVs temple
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, Siptah, just before they saw my camera
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, entrance statue
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Queens, Khaemwaset tomb 2
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, mountains with carved in pathways
Lolufu: Luxor, Karnak temple, entrance
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Kings, tomb entrance dug into the mountains
Lolufu: Luxor west bank, valley of the Queens, Khaemwaset tomb 1