lolololori: Everyone except irish people, that is.
lolololori: Trinity College
lolololori: St. Stephen's Square
lolololori: Easter in Ireland
lolololori: This girl knows Max Pott
lolololori: Megan from Flo'sant
lolololori: Hostel friends!
lolololori: Cara is really funny
lolololori: Whatcha lookin' at
lolololori: Fish and chips
lolololori: Happy about the fish and chips
lolololori: Cloudy Irish Field
lolololori: Fisherman stuff!!
lolololori: First Afternoon in Dingle
lolololori: Fishin' boats in Dingle
lolololori: More Fishing boats
lolololori: Red boat!
lolololori: Crazy tower on a hill
lolololori: George Clooney
lolololori: Boots on the ceiling
lolololori: Irish words
lolololori: Me, awkwardly standing in my sock boots
lolololori: Life preserver in Dingle Harbor
lolololori: Misty Irish Mountains
lolololori: House on a Hill on the Dingle Penninsula
lolololori: Betsey and our awesome Irish singer/guide friend
lolololori: Craggy
lolololori: The 2 seagulls that are always there