lau-mac: SPNP #1 " If you can smell the streets by looking at the photo , it`s a street photograph ." - Bruce Gilden .
lau-mac: SPNP #2 " Turn your attention to the four-legged population " - Ying Tang.
lau-mac: SPNP #3 " Take a bus . Do a weekly shop. Pop into a public loo." -Jens Jorgensen.
lau-mac: SPNP #4 " Document some evidence of human ingenuity that would go unnoticed . Do it without including any humans in the picture ." -Michael Wolf .
lau-mac: SPNP #5 " Get lost in a thicket of signs and structures " - Wolfgang Zurborn .
lau-mac: SPNP #7 "When you have to shoot; shoot ! Dont talk ! - Il Bruto .Make a picture contining the good the bad the ugly . - Jens Lasthien
lau-mac: SPNP #8 " On our knees please , take a picture from floor level " -Matt Stuart.
lau-mac: SPNP #9 Play photographic poker .Look for a pair, two pairs, three of a kind " - Siegfreid Hansen.
lau-mac: SPNP #10 "Photgraph like an assassin : Suddenly and silently - Osamu Kanemura.
lau-mac: SPNP #11 "Take to the streets, get political ! " - Mimi Mollica.
lau-mac: SPNP #12 "Look for the stars, even in broad daylight " - Markus Hartnell .
lau-mac: SPNP #13 "Look closer to home " - Lars Tunbjork.
lau-mac: SPNP #14 " Show us the aftermath "- Marciej Dakowicz.
lau-mac: SPNP #15
lau-mac: SPNP #17 "Take pictures where your not comfortable, where you feel threatened, or morally on the wrong side " -Mirko Martin .
lau-mac: SPNP #18 " Look for a window . Through a window , out a window , or at the reflections on a window " - Arif Asci .
lau-mac: SPNP #19 " Expose the banalities of the new urban landscape " - George Georgiou .
lau-mac: SPNP #20 "Slow down , the next picture may be very quiet and close " - Bruno Quinquet .
lau-mac: SPNP #21 " Beaware of the way the camera compresses a three dimensinoal plane and use that to your advantage - Nick Turpin .
lau-mac: SPNP #26 "If your not sure it`s a picture shoot anyway " Carolyn Drake.
lau-mac: SPNP #27 "Bend the rules and play tricks with the mind ; make documents of moments that ever existed "- Peter Funch.
lau-mac: SPNP #28 " Go somewhere you havent been before " - Paul Russell .
lau-mac: SPNP #29 " Find an ambiguity that lies just beneath the surface " - Jesse Marlowe.
lau-mac: SPNP #31 " Look for clashing colours - the more lurid the better " -Bang Byoung-Sang
lau-mac: SPNP #32 " Follow lines of movement " - David Gibson
lau-mac: SPNP #35 "1 Nominate something you are going to go out and hunt for - the more abstract the better.2 Give yourself a time constraint .3 Go out and start work . 4 Ask yourself why everything else that you encounter is so much more engaging than what you ar
lau-mac: SPNP #36 "The distance between yourself and others should not be greater than your arm`s length " -Christophe Agou .
lau-mac: SPNP #37 " Surrealism now " -Gary Alexander .
lau-mac: SPNP #47." The real subject is yourself facing the world " - Thierry Girard
lau-mac: SPNP #48. Things are what they seem to be .Or maybe something else " -Richard Kavlar .