Lollipop477: beauty in Florida- the Butterfly World flowers- this passion flower had a really pink undertone to the red
Lollipop477: Passion flower- one of many beauties
Lollipop477: this seed creates the colour on clothing- just can't remember what it is called
Lollipop477: a tiny hummer
Lollipop477: hibiscus
Lollipop477: several hibiscus together... beauty
Lollipop477: I don't want to face you
Lollipop477: these two were talking away like they were in their right mind...
Lollipop477: little lorikeet telling everyone what to do...
Lollipop477: looking for the treat in Jeff's hand- almost gone
Lollipop477: this is all you have?
Lollipop477: 3 sharing one nectar cup- feisty lorikeets
Lollipop477: a delicate rose
Lollipop477: lipstick plant???
Lollipop477: passiflora or passion flower
Lollipop477: delicate butterfly
Lollipop477: pretty pink passion flower
Lollipop477: passion flower detail- so delicate
Lollipop477: this passion flower has black on the tips, and more colour to the stamen
Lollipop477: one in flower and a bunch more to pop- beautiful passion flowers
Lollipop477: such detail in the stamen
Lollipop477: a bit orange in the petals...
Lollipop477: puff ball
Lollipop477: fully blossomed rose- simply stunning yellow
Lollipop477: size of this beauty can be related to Jeff's hand
Lollipop477: stunning colours