lolliloobedoo: Big Sis before she was my big sis. The incredible Debra Hensley.
lolliloobedoo: Wonderful wooden hangars. I miss them.
lolliloobedoo: ....plastic display hangars....don't miss them so much.
lolliloobedoo: Kate's Custo from the very first delivery in 1997!
lolliloobedoo: Cupid's Arrows are going to live at John's New Classics!
lolliloobedoo: Zora needs a home!
lolliloobedoo: Zora needs a home! I think she belongs in a Women's Health center.....
lolliloobedoo: Hooray for Allison! She's taking the mirror!!!
lolliloobedoo: This grid needs a home.
lolliloobedoo: Hopefully the next tenants will leave the paintings.