Hematocrit: Bumble bees and the partridge pea patch
Hematocrit: Bumble bees and partridge pea
Hematocrit: Hanging on. Partridge pea is almost done blooming. The bumbles and I will miss it.
Hematocrit: Mud dauber visiting extrafloral nectaries on partridge pea
Hematocrit: The view from below
Hematocrit: Honey bee getting nectar from partridge pea's extrafloral nectaries
Hematocrit: Partridge Pea, Verbena, Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) and a few violets
Hematocrit: Partridge pea seedlings growing up through creeping thyme
Hematocrit: Partridge pea seedlings
Hematocrit: Coming in for a crash landing
Hematocrit: Partridge pea bloom. Love those red stamens
Hematocrit: Partridge pea, a native annual that has pretty yellow flowers and leaves that fold up when you touch them. Need to plant more next year.
Hematocrit: Partridge pea seedlings
Hematocrit: Partridge Pea - Chamaecrista fasciculata