Hematocrit: Goofy ear
Hematocrit: Watch out little dude
Hematocrit: Iggy?
Hematocrit: Catcher in the middle of a chase
Hematocrit: Catcher stalking
Hematocrit: Mouse hopping and prancing
Hematocrit: Hapi and a boxer friend
Hematocrit: Kes running for his life!
Hematocrit: Scary Mouse
Hematocrit: Chomps and his mastiff friend
Hematocrit: Butt sniffer!
Hematocrit: Hapi inspecting Catcher's mouth
Hematocrit: Beagle / basset mix friend
Hematocrit: Catcher stalking a new arrival at the park
Hematocrit: Tired pups
Hematocrit: Hapi, Mouse and Kestrel
Hematocrit: Dog park friend, Kestrel
Hematocrit: Iggies at the park!
Hematocrit: Jack friend
Hematocrit: Zoned out in the mix!
Hematocrit: Is this dog shaved?
Hematocrit: Slurp
Hematocrit: Catcher stalks every dog that comes to the park now
Hematocrit: Me and Catcher
Hematocrit: Happy friend
Hematocrit: Roooo!
Hematocrit: Grumbly Cane Corso
Hematocrit: Muddy Worm
Hematocrit: Sniff train
Hematocrit: Worm @ the dog park