smr+lsh: Lola is turning 3!
smr+lsh: Princess Cake
smr+lsh: Fondant Lola
smr+lsh: Waiting...
smr+lsh: Star wand sugar cookies + name tags
smr+lsh: Lola waiting for the other Princesses to arrive
smr+lsh: Cupcakes
smr+lsh: Riley telling stories
smr+lsh: Lola's 1st cousins
smr+lsh: IMG_4918
smr+lsh: Mami's sisters
smr+lsh: Time to eat
smr+lsh: Princess Athena
smr+lsh: Princess Riley
smr+lsh: Prince William (really) and Papa
smr+lsh: IMG_4935
smr+lsh: Sit 'n Spin
smr+lsh: Princess Athena and Princess Lily
smr+lsh: Putting the crown on Lola
smr+lsh: Turning....around and around and...
smr+lsh: Confessions of 3 1/2 shopaholics
smr+lsh: Cribs are for jumping!
smr+lsh: Crib Play time
smr+lsh: 2 second rest
smr+lsh: Diamonds are a girls bff
smr+lsh: Prices
smr+lsh: Jewels ...happiness in a box!
smr+lsh: Princesa Athena wearing her new jewelry...
smr+lsh: Lola and Sam
smr+lsh: Family portrait