Revenge of the Double Man: Modern totem pole.
Revenge of the Double Man: There's a lot of problems.
Revenge of the Double Man: Evading a Pokeball.
Revenge of the Double Man: *waits for Ash before lunging*
Revenge of the Double Man: Pokemon name time!
Revenge of the Double Man: Gyrados' name since 1998!
Revenge of the Double Man: Oh hell, the "real" name was enough.
Revenge of the Double Man: No false advertising.
Revenge of the Double Man: Back to Kairi's.
Revenge of the Double Man: I couldn't think of anything better.
Revenge of the Double Man: Big Willie Style.
Revenge of the Double Man: Kairi's other Rosie.
Revenge of the Double Man: Nah, she couldn't.
Revenge of the Double Man: Jirachi returns.
Revenge of the Double Man: Arceus (with Dread Plate).