lokicha: building the wall
lokicha: putting the pictures up
lokicha: Photo Exhibition - Opening Reception
lokicha: Photo Exhibition - Opening Reception
lokicha: couldn't get in to prepare...
lokicha: getting ready
lokicha: the show
lokicha: food and drinks
lokicha: artist statement and more...
lokicha: first visitor
lokicha: using up all the space
lokicha: words of wisdom
lokicha: talk, talk, talk...
lokicha: seeing people...
lokicha: talking about my work
lokicha: champagne time
lokicha: don't point at me!
lokicha: filled up
lokicha: set distance
lokicha: camera lovers
lokicha: kids meet
lokicha: reading
lokicha: mom and my work
lokicha: family support
lokicha: not a model
lokicha: postcards...
lokicha: nice gift
lokicha: from the outside
lokicha: this is it