loki13: Hotel room at Grand Prince Takanawa
loki13: Hotel room at Grand Prince Takanawa
loki13: Hotel bathroom (Grand Prince Takanawa)
loki13: Control panel for hotel toilet (Grand Prince Takanawa)
loki13: Garden view at Grand Prince Takanawa Hotel
loki13: Meiji Jingu temple
loki13: Our votive panel we left at Meiji Jingu temple
loki13: Votive panels left at Meiji Jingu temple
loki13: Meiji Jingu temple
loki13: Barrels of sake donated to the Meiji Jingu temple
loki13: Leaving Harajuku station
loki13: Harajuku Zen Mall
loki13: Rainy day in the Shibuya district
loki13: Rainy day in the Shibuya district
loki13: Kabukicho, Tokyo's red light district (not that exciting on the surface)
loki13: Bar decoration
loki13: Imperial Palace
loki13: Imperial Palace
loki13: Swan near Imperial Palace
loki13: Swan near the Imperial Palace
loki13: Koi fish at Imperial Palace East Gardens
loki13: Imperial Palace East Gardens
loki13: Tokyo roads
loki13: View of Tokyo and Rainbow Bridge from Odaiba
loki13: Fuji TV building escalator
loki13: Me and the Fuji TV dog "Laugh"
loki13: Fountain in Venus Fort mall
loki13: Boutique shop at Venus Fort mall
loki13: Boutique shops at Venus Fort mall
loki13: Suica Tokyo subway pass