loki13: Last day in New York, first day of the year
loki13: Walk-up at the drive-thru
loki13: Crusty eyed Bamboo
loki13: Chandelier lamp detail
loki13: Guatamalan worry dolls
loki13: Bowl of congee
loki13: My bathroom
loki13: Midnight laundry
loki13: Inside plant, outside plant
loki13: Opening the box of goodies
loki13: Backyard after the snow
loki13: View of Mont-Royal from work
loki13: Shoe shot interrupted
loki13: Chandelier detail
loki13: Self portrait with camera
loki13: BPAL bottles lined up like soldiers
loki13: Vegetables on the cutting board
loki13: Looking through the candy glass
loki13: Ghostly mall renovation
loki13: Week three challenge - Hallways
loki13: French Kiss bath bomb
loki13: Jack Frost was here
loki13: Blueberry pancakes
loki13: Purple toenails
loki13: Workday Carry-All
loki13: Week Four Challenge: Transportation
loki13: My retro appliances
loki13: Squirrel in Parc Jeanne-Mance
loki13: Crémazie metro station in Montreal
loki13: Light fixture in my bathroom