Lois Richter: Never opened the shades before ...
Lois Richter: Cayenne~stare
Lois Richter: Cali Sandy
Lois Richter: "Look"
Lois Richter: "Do you hear that?"
Lois Richter: face to face
Lois Richter: Cayenne cat enjoys her sunshine
Lois Richter: Geraldine's inspection
Lois Richter: fabric cat backs
Lois Richter: shadows and a cat
Lois Richter: an edgy Geraldine
Lois Richter: hide-a-cat
Lois Richter: Katie on High — this was a favorite location.
Lois Richter: Sun, sun, cat, stripes, sunshine, shadows.
Lois Richter: ATC Bold Cat finger sketch