lois062689: Doing Dishes
lois062689: Making fun of mom
lois062689: Our campsite at Hawn
lois062689: Our awesome campsite at Hawn
lois062689: Registering for our hike
lois062689: Jim hiking
lois062689: Me hiking
lois062689: Using the compass and map
lois062689: Jim saying "no we aren't crossing that"
lois062689: Beautiful pickle creek
lois062689: Scarring Adam by making out
lois062689: Us by the falls
lois062689: Hiking when the sun came out
lois062689: Pretty creek
lois062689: Adam and me
lois062689: Adam as a Field and Stream model
lois062689: Adam helps me through the rough spots
lois062689: Where we decided to cross the creek
lois062689: Jim drying his socks - our crossing wasn't entirely dry....
lois062689: Adam and me on the bluff
lois062689: Adam and me on the bluff
lois062689: Adam confused by poor signage
lois062689: Parked at our awesome campsite
lois062689: Woods just starting to green up
lois062689: Adam by the fire
lois062689: Adam by the fire - it was really cold
lois062689: Airstream glamor shot