lois062689: Matt heading out caving with all the kids
lois062689: Inside cave
lois062689: The kids getting ready to go caving
lois062689: Jim sleeping in the coveted LaFuma chair
lois062689: Brianna wouldn't smile...
lois062689: Shelly cooking
lois062689: Tammy sleeping in the hammock
lois062689: Photo of the hammock print left on Tammy's back from her nap
lois062689: Matt and Diane
lois062689: Bailey and Steve
lois062689: After Scrabble - can you guess who won?
lois062689: Adam and Brendan by the fire
lois062689: Matt and Diane getting ready to float
lois062689: Jim and I getting ready to float
lois062689: Matt and Diane floating
lois062689: Adam and Brendan floating
lois062689: Jim outside of Green's cave
lois062689: Adam and Brendan find a tadpole
lois062689: Matt and Jim
lois062689: Matt in the water
lois062689: Matt and Adam
lois062689: Matt, Adam, Brendan and Diane floating in the river