Sean Munson: ucla
Sean Munson: ucla
Sean Munson: poster session
Sean Munson: poster session
Sean Munson: bus to dinner
Sean Munson: california nanosystems institute building
Sean Munson: ucla
Sean Munson: ucla
Sean Munson: Mapping the Design Space of Design Education in iSchools
Sean Munson: take a picture
Sean Munson: tram
Sean Munson: the getty
Sean Munson: the getty
Sean Munson: at the getty
Sean Munson: reception at the getty
Sean Munson: getty center
Sean Munson: getty center
Sean Munson: getty center
Sean Munson: waiting for the tram
Sean Munson: getty center
Sean Munson: they were having an altercation
Sean Munson: ucla
Sean Munson: santa monica farmers' market