loftystone: One of the best pics i have taken i think, still its not difficult to take great Pics in NYC
loftystone: Time Square
loftystone: Downtown
loftystone: Time Square
loftystone: Phil Dimagio
loftystone: Phil Dimagio
loftystone: Babe Stone
loftystone: My Second Home
loftystone: Subway
loftystone: Wall Street
loftystone: Hotel
loftystone: Giant Sky Rat
loftystone: I killed all these People
loftystone: Rememberance Wall
loftystone: Statue of Liberty in the background
loftystone: Boat obveiously
loftystone: Ellis Island
loftystone: Staue of Liberty
loftystone: Sky Rats
loftystone: Financial District
loftystone: Subway
loftystone: NY Stock Exchange
loftystone: NT Stock Exchange
loftystone: NY Stock Exchange
loftystone: NT Stock Exchange
loftystone: Ground Zero
loftystone: Fresh new Jordans