loeffel_1: My Yashica ML lenses
loeffel_1: My Yashica ML lenses
loeffel_1: Coating of Yashica ML prime lenses
loeffel_1: Coating of Yashica ML zoom lenses
loeffel_1: Coating of Yashica ML Prime Lenses (Update)
loeffel_1: Coating of Yashica ML Zoom Lenses (Update)
loeffel_1: multicoated Yashica-Twins
loeffel_1: Yashica FX-D with bellow
loeffel_1: Yashica FX-D with bellow
loeffel_1: Yashica FX-D with bellow and lens in reversed position
loeffel_1: My lenses and accessories (July 2010)
loeffel_1: My Yashica ML lenses - the whole collection
loeffel_1: My Yashica ML Skyline - the whole collection
loeffel_1: Yashica ML Zoom Lenses - All Together Now!
loeffel_1: Yashica ML - all my 50mm lenses
loeffel_1: My Yashica ML lenses - The macro lenses
loeffel_1: My Yashica ML C Tele Lenses
loeffel_1: Yashica ML reflex 8/500mm mirror lens
loeffel_1: Yashica ML 1.2/55mm
loeffel_1: Yashica ML 2,8/15mm Fisheye
loeffel_1: Yashica ML Zoom 1:3,5 28-50mm
loeffel_1: Yashica ML Zoom 4/70-210mm
loeffel_1: Yashica DSB Zoom 3,5/38-90mm
loeffel_1: Porst Color Reflex MC Auto 1.2/55mm
loeffel_1: Minolta MD Tele Rokkor meets Canon EOS 50D
loeffel_1: Soligor MC Zoom Auto f2.5-3.5/35-70mm
loeffel_1: early Yashica ML lenses
loeffel_1: Schneider-Kreuznach Componon 4/50mm
loeffel_1: Tokina RMC Close Focusing Zoom 3,5/35-105mm
loeffel_1: Tokina 3,5/35-105mm Zwillinge / Twins