Lodigs: The world's tiniest apple!
Lodigs: View from the AirTrain
Lodigs: Closed
Lodigs: Tova is cold
Lodigs: A Colorado River?
Lodigs: Let's consider the gate "off limits"
Lodigs: On Mount Bonnell
Lodigs: I think 'objects' would have covered most of it
Lodigs: Looked interesting at the time
Lodigs: My new house
Lodigs: The neighbors I look down on
Lodigs: Capital by Car
Lodigs: Ride the 'Dillo
Lodigs: Safehaven for salamanders
Lodigs: Salamander fountain
Lodigs: Multi-culti ducks
Lodigs: Single swan
Lodigs: Christmas Dinner
Lodigs: IMG_5631.JPG
Lodigs: Keep Away/No Swimming
Lodigs: Swimming Permitted Up Here
Lodigs: IMG_5637.JPG
Lodigs: HAIR
Lodigs: Good thing those stones are there
Lodigs: The dog who won't play fetch
Lodigs: Good Doggie
Lodigs: Crapping up nature with nasty Christmas
Lodigs: I hope this is the right truck
Lodigs: Smitty's!
Lodigs: Is this burning an eternal flame?