Loco Steve: Shop window display in the French quarter
Loco Steve: We are the champions...
Loco Steve: Flickr
Loco Steve: Baa Ram Ewe Dat..
Loco Steve: Toasting the Saints..
Loco Steve: Bourbon Street
Loco Steve: Taxi...
Loco Steve: Everybody was there
Loco Steve: looking down on people..
Loco Steve: alright...
Loco Steve: Looking out for each other
Loco Steve: Today is a good day
Loco Steve: Got a light?
Loco Steve: Mmmm Hope this stuff comes off!
Loco Steve: Nostril painting
Loco Steve: I'm Jester young fan..
Loco Steve: Were No.1 Dawg..
Loco Steve: Good catchers...
Loco Steve: My throwing arm is getting tired
Loco Steve: Saint riding a Colt
Loco Steve: I'ts Jester mazing..
Loco Steve: Bourbon Street Slideshow... ( Link Below )