loco539: Old
loco539: Tear out
loco539: Smells like mouse
loco539: Slab
loco539: Pre-slope
loco539: Water testing membrane
loco539: Niche framing
loco539: Moisture barrior
loco539: Framing Niche
loco539: Dam mesh
loco539: Dam
loco539: Start of bench
loco539: Tiles on the wall
loco539: Shiny pipes
loco539: Orange gloves
loco539: Morter bed
loco539: Done
loco539: Almost done
loco539: Wow flash works
loco539: Self leveling
loco539: 1-wire temp sensors
loco539: Heat pad
loco539: Tile
loco539: Yep
loco539: leak repair
loco539: hole in the house from leak
loco539: yuck
loco539: walls patched after fixing leaking hose bib
loco539: new light after removing overhead fixture
loco539: IMG_4177