Local Poet: Welcome To Rock Ness
Local Poet: Arena
Local Poet: Flags
Local Poet: Sunny Sunday
Local Poet: Flags
Local Poet: Beer Box Head
Local Poet: Wristbands
Local Poet: Rock Ness
Local Poet: The Cuban Brothers
Local Poet: Uncle Archie
Local Poet: The Cuban Brothers
Local Poet: Don't Say No To Drugs?!?
Local Poet: Clash Tent
Local Poet: Clash Tent
Local Poet: Main Stage Audience
Local Poet: The Wombats
Local Poet: Anonymous
Local Poet: Hands
Local Poet: Nice Couple
Local Poet: The Wombats
Local Poet: The Wombats
Local Poet: Police at Rock Ness
Local Poet: Police at Rock Ness
Local Poet: Stripey Umbrella
Local Poet: People
Local Poet: People
Local Poet: Placebo Balloons