Local Poet: DSCF0865_cr
Local Poet: DSCF0866
Local Poet: Main Stage
Local Poet: Broken Records
Local Poet: Beware..
Local Poet: The Twilight Sad
Local Poet: The Twilight Sad
Local Poet: Idlewild
Local Poet: Roddy blowing his own trumpet
Local Poet: Giant Octupus
Local Poet: The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir
Local Poet: any spare cups?
Local Poet: Main Stage in the Afternoon
Local Poet: Salsa Celtica
Local Poet: Salsa Celtica
Local Poet: Salsa Celtica
Local Poet: Salsa Celtica
Local Poet: Salsa Celtica
Local Poet: Shutter
Local Poet: Wasted Photographer
Local Poet: Sparkly wellies and a handbag admired by Roddy Woomble
Local Poet: Random guys who insisted on having their photo taken :-)
Local Poet: Random Guys
Local Poet: Main Stage
Local Poet: Mike Scott
Local Poet: Ice Cream Umbrella
Local Poet: "Let's get a look at you"
Local Poet: The Eponymous Heart
Local Poet: Clearing up
Local Poet: sounds handy..