LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Welcome Metrodome Inline Marathon Skaters
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
After the Marathon
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Waiting to Start
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Open Wave In Line to Start
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Participant Socks?
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Kid Cheering on his Dad
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Respect the Quads!
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Team Something and Family
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Waiting to Start
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Open Wave In Line to Start
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
After the Race
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Chip and Timing Table
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Rollerdome Sign
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
After the Race
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Team Something
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Chip and Timing Table
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Pro Racers