L o r r i e: Majestic pillars of the Past
L o r r i e: Do not think so often of what you lack but what you have.
L o r r i e: Cleansed from old sadness, you can feel the source of life again.
L o r r i e: search the Sociability and joyful Entertainment
L o r r i e: Sending good energy your way
L o r r i e: Happiness is an inside job
L o r r i e: Life begins at the end of your Comfort zone
L o r r i e: A flower doesn't care to keep up with the flower next to it, it just blooms.
L o r r i e: The Easist thing...
L o r r i e: Luxury is seeing the beauty in the simplicity of life
L o r r i e: Go to "Settings" of the soul, open the folder "Status" Tick "Happy" and forget the password!
L o r r i e: Beautiful moments
L o r r i e: Autumnal harmony
L o r r i e: Power of hope
L o r r i e: The Fading Dream of the Enchanted Forest
L o r r i e: Garden of Eastern Dreams
L o r r i e: The Song of the Moment
L o r r i e: a little warmer for Everyone