Lo8i: 240-365 Mirrored
Lo8i: 239-365 Circle
Lo8i: 238-365 Rumis Game
Lo8i: 237-365 Zig Zags
Lo8i: 236-365 Abundance of Legos
Lo8i: 235-365 Grapes
Lo8i: 234-365 Time shift
Lo8i: 233-365 Coins
Lo8i: 232-365 New Soccer Shoes
Lo8i: 231-365 Light House
Lo8i: 230-365 Mark Twain Tree
Lo8i: 229-365 Giant Sequoias reaching for the Sky
Lo8i: 228-365 Base of Nevada Falls, Yosemite National Park
Lo8i: 227-365 Rock Tree and Sky
Lo8i: 226-365 Alcatraz
Lo8i: 225-365 Golden Gate Bridge_
Lo8i: 224-365 Lombard Street, San Fransisco
Lo8i: 223-365 Dine at the Diner
Lo8i: 222-365 Indulge
Lo8i: 221-365 Porsche
Lo8i: 220-365 Urban
Lo8i: 219-365 I think I can...
Lo8i: 218-365 Newspaper
Lo8i: 217-365 Cleaning
Lo8i: 216 -365 Butterfly
Lo8i: 215 -365 At the Zoo
Lo8i: 214-365 Really big fish...
Lo8i: 213-365 Window
Lo8i: 212-365 Square Box
Lo8i: 211-365 In Writing