LMinSF: I like things growing out of things
LMinSF: Taking the high road
LMinSF: The entirety of the Glenelg ferry
LMinSF: Way better than Woolwich ferry
LMinSF: 5 mins later we disembark
LMinSF: We got spun around and departed shore
LMinSF: We drove on
LMinSF: Glenelg ferry to Skye
LMinSF: Whitebait. mmmm
LMinSF: Smoked manna
LMinSF: Waiting for the French taunting
LMinSF: All plastic!
LMinSF: Eilean Donan Castle, Dornie
LMinSF: Ben Nevis at a distance
LMinSF: Pourable sunshine. bleugh!
LMinSF: Ox tongue and mash
LMinSF: Deviled kidneys. tasty.
LMinSF: New Lanark
LMinSF: New Lanark
LMinSF: Unfurling ferns
LMinSF: Ransomes & Rapier weir
LMinSF: Clyde Falls
LMinSF: hydroelectric POWER
LMinSF: New Lanark housing
LMinSF: Co-op birds
LMinSF: Model of New Lanark
LMinSF: Oink!
LMinSF: breaking down the hog for lunch