LMinSF: Suzhou train station
LMinSF: Father Christmas, in May
LMinSF: Bus interior
LMinSF: Wide segragated lanes
LMinSF: So you know it's clean
LMinSF: View from Penman Pagoda
LMinSF: Cute kids, posing
LMinSF: Mandarin duckies
LMinSF: On the boat
LMinSF: Sunset over the canal
LMinSF: Fresh chickens/duck
LMinSF: Women selling vegetables
LMinSF: Cleaning birdcage in the canal
LMinSF: Posed wedding photo
LMinSF: Suzhou Canal traffic
LMinSF: Like a chain, but not
LMinSF: Suzhou Street
LMinSF: Sweeper mosaic boy
LMinSF: Noodle bowl, sanitised by plastic bag
LMinSF: Traffic countdown
LMinSF: I hear they're having the olympics this year