Gwaith Newydd Trin Dŵr Bont-goch / New Water Treatment Works
Y basnau mawr yng ngwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch yn eu lle / The large pressure vessels at the new Bont-goch water treatment works in place.
Paratoi i osod un o'r basnau mawr gwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch / Getting ready to hoist one of the large pressure vessels at the new Bont-goch water treatment works.
Paratoi i osod un o'r basnau mawr gwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch / Getting ready to hoist one of the large pressure vessels at the new Bont-goch water treatment works.
Rhai o'r basnau mawr yng ngwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch eisoes yn eu lle / Some of the large pressure vessels at the new Bont-goch water treatment works in place.
Un o'r basnau mawr yn cyrraedd gwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch / One of the large pressure vessels being delivered to the new Bont-goch water treatment works.
Paratoi i osod un o'r basnau mawr gwaith trin dŵr newydd Bont-goch / Getting ready to hoist one of the large pressure vessels at the new Bont-goch water treatment works.