Laurel Parshall: 09062014 005
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 007a Yellow-rumped Warbler - Setophaga coronata
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 008a Say's Phoebe - Sayornis saya
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 013a Forster's Tern - Sterna forsteri
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 021a Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 035a Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 040a Forster's Tern - Sterna forsteri
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 050a Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 054a fishin for the big one
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 059a Forster's Tern - Sterna forsteri - washing it down
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 061a tricky lighting
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 064a Rock Wren - Salpinctes obsoletus
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 068a Rock Wren - Salpinctes obsoletus
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 072a Rock Wrens - Salpinctes obsoletus
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 073a Rock Wrens - Salpinctes obsoletus
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 085a Sabine's Gull - Xema sabini
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 087a Sabine's Gull - Xema sabini
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 091
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 105a Sabine's Gull - Xema sabini
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 114a Sabine's Gull - Xema sabini - wing patterns
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 115a Winchester Rest Stop ponds
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 122a Dragonfly
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 126a White-crowned and Lark Sparrows
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 129a watercolored sparrow in heat waves
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 130a Kay's insect freeloader
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 133a American White Pelicans going for a whirl
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 135a a-twirl
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 142a AmWhPEs
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 148a Viceroy Butterfly
Laurel Parshall: 09062014 150a Viceroy butterfly