Laurel Parshall: 10262014 293a parasol up
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 288a fungal folds
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 286a streaming south
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 268a stormy kettling
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 261a Golden-crowned Sparrow
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 254a Diane en route
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 251a garnet world view
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 236
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 228a no cheery songs here
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 212a wind torn and forlorn
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 207a turns out the spots are filamental
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 205a oaken weavings
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 201a Susan displays the galling fact
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 200a fungi fruiting bodies upside and down
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 190a hollow laughter
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 187a puddled reflections
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 186a crow squared
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 182a Pied-billed Grebe - Podilymbus podiceps - still growing into it
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 181a field work
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 180a row-ing ducks and cormorant punctuation
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 177a lithic balance
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 175a mushroom grotto
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 173a dew drop brightly
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 170a park duck gene pool swirl
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 165a Gadwalls - Anas strepera
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 162a I want it NOW
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 158a still predigesting
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 136a Down the hatch
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 135a not every fish is this easy
Laurel Parshall: 10262014 124a Gadwalls - Anas strepera