Laurel Parshall:
02012014 148a lost to view
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 146a Evening touchdown 5
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 142a Evening touchdown 4
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 139a Evening touchdown 3
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 133a Evening touchdown 2
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 132a Evening touchdown 1
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 129a Snohomish panorama
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 128a Snohomish fields distance on the GYFA
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 127a Gyr Falcon - Falco rusticolus -contrast
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 0126S4 digi GYFA
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 126a Gyr Falcon - Falco rusticolus
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 0125S4 digi GYFA
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 0124S4 digi GYFA
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 123a
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 107a Gyr Falcon - Falco rusticolus
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 106a Gyr Falcon - Falco rusticolus
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 103a Gyr Falcon - Falco rusticolus
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 087a Hot Air Ballooning on a cool evening 3
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 082a Hot Air Ballooning on a cool evening 2
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 080a Hot Air Ballooning on a cool evening 1
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 077a NOHA and clouds
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 063a Shaggy
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 060a Courtng gift
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 058a BAEA - immature
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 054a BAEAs - immatures
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 051a rtha
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 049a RTHA
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 045a NOHA hover
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 041a_edited-1
Laurel Parshall:
02012014 038a Bald Eagle - immature