Laurel Parshall: 12022012 305a Mountain top weather systems
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 311a Mountain Chickadee - Poecile gambeli
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 321a Rough-legged Hawks - Buteo lagopus
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 322 Sweeping vista 1-up close
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 323 Sweeping vista 1-the longer view
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 325a Rough-legged Hawk - Buteo lagopus
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 327a Sweeping vista 2-up close
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 328 Sweeping vista 2-the longer view
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 329a Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 331a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 336a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 348a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 352a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 362a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 370a Harlan's Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis harlani
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 390a American Kestrel - Falco sparverius - male
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 391a Grandfather Cuts Loose the Ponies— Vantage/George, WA
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 393a Rock Wren - Salpinctes obsoletus
Laurel Parshall: 12022012 399 Late afternoon sun paints the way home
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 793a last views
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 790a
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 788a
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 787a
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 786a
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 778a Gray Partridge - Perdix perdix
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 776a Gray Partridge - Perdix perdix
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 773a Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 769a Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 766
Laurel Parshall: 02162015 765a Rough-leggedHawk - Buteo lagopus