dracoLLL: Bulgogi wrap - protein style
dracoLLL: Grilled aspharagus bacon wrap
dracoLLL: Bulgogi
dracoLLL: Homemade burger - animal style
dracoLLL: Yaki Udon
dracoLLL: Stewed Beef Shank and sides
dracoLLL: 什錦菜
dracoLLL: Mixed grill
dracoLLL: 年年有魚
dracoLLL: 菇菇飯
dracoLLL: 雪菜肉絲炒年糕
dracoLLL: 燕丸
dracoLLL: 紅燒燕丸
dracoLLL: 高陞排骨
dracoLLL: Bendo - Chinese New Year Style
dracoLLL: 紅酒燉牛肉改-蛋包飯
dracoLLL: Oven-baked Mushrooms
dracoLLL: Roasted veggies - ty style
dracoLLL: 韭菜豆芽豆乾小炒
dracoLLL: 三杯蛤蜊
dracoLLL: Steak (cream corn, cream spinach, and potato salad)
dracoLLL: Melting Pot @ Farwest
dracoLLL: Cranberry Fantasy Fondue
dracoLLL: energy
dracoLLL: 2006 Chinese New Year
dracoLLL: Stir-fried Mixed Veggi
dracoLLL: 雪菜肉絲炒年糕
dracoLLL: Slow-cooked Daikon with Scallops
dracoLLL: Braised Bacon Pork with Chinese Red wine paste