Earth Lore Photographic Library: Echinacea purpurea. Purple Coneflower.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Echinacea purpurea. Purple Coneflower.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Water Lily 'Dongthamanoon'.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Water Lily 'Nankwaugh Khaow'.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Water Lily 'Kew's Kabuki'.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Nymphaea sp. Light-blue Water-lily.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Phalaenopsis sp. Pink-veined Moth Orchid.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Lilium 'Stargazer'. Oriental Lily 'Stargazer'.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Anthurium andreanum with Idea Leuconoe.. Flamingo Flower with Paper Kite Butterfly.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Cymbidium Strathdon 'Chailey Red'. Strathdon 'Chailey Red' Orchid.
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Iris reticulata 'Harmony'. Iris 'Harmony'..
Earth Lore Photographic Library: For the Love of Flowers