Llance: ATL Bound at 15000 feet. too late to back out now!
Llance: View from the room.
Llance: Rox getting her badge
Llance: Beemers rule.
Llance: Hugs are free!
Llance: Girl with a pearl earring
Llance: Dude with a pearl earring
Llance: Getting down at the High
Llance: A sedate panel.
Llance: Looking for his mortgage?
Llance: Steampunk Themes in Doctor Who
Llance: Spiffing!
Llance: Dieselpunk Girls put a Tilt in yer Kilt.
Llance: No point trying to see the parade.
Llance: Spidey and...?
Llance: Da Pool
Llance: Friendship is Magic!
Llance: Supes and...?
Llance: Dead Space
Llance: Mass Effect
Llance: Minion
Llance: Fallout 3!
Llance: Total Recall?
Llance: Lonely Hitler
Llance: Troma
Llance: Halo Love
Llance: Bioshock Cosplayers prepare for Georgia Aquarium DC Night
Llance: Georgia Aquarium DC Night
Llance: Under the sea
Llance: Why so serious?