Llance: Shirley at night
Llance: Stephanie's-Suzuki
Llance: Stephanie Drinking
Llance: Stephanie crossing the road
Llance: Peanut
Llance: Peanut and parents
Llance: Trevor on his Kawaski KH250
Llance: Lance on Trevor's Kawasaki KH250
Llance: Stephanie Surfing her Suzuki
Llance: Stephanie's Suzuki
Llance: DeHaviland Rapide
Llance: Lance
Llance: Lance
Llance: Shirley at the Naughty Schoolgirl - Schoolboy party
Llance: Shirley on Bike
Llance: Sid
Llance: Lance the hairy Terminator
Llance: Kiki the spoilt Poodle
Llance: My stuff on the floor before we leave Wellesley Road
Llance: Stuart and Stephanie
Llance: Stephanie Thinking
Llance: Stephanie at the bar of the Star and Garter
Llance: Tennyson Monument
Llance: Freshwater Bay at Night from my Bedroom
Llance: Demon Meet
Llance: Concorde Over Kew Pagoda
Llance: Ed Clara and Me
Llance: Frank Louiz Adrian and Paola
Llance: Portrait of Grinning Fool
Llance: Me in Chiswick